Friday, January 15, 2010

Why hello there!

Weight - 258.8
Body Fat - 27% 
Workout Song of the Day:

Hello everyone... sorry I haven't posted in a couple of days, but I've had some things to do and just haven't been able to get around to it!

I've gone a little over my recommended calorie counts over the past couple of days. It's really hard when you have all of these women co-workers who love to cook, and cook quite well... its really, really hard to exercise restraint in those situations, but I am trying. Same goes for when doughnuts rear their ugly heads... I just cannot resist.

I went "running" on the Wii, and that was interesting. Running in place may not seem like its a lot of fun, but as you run they have your Mii run through a picturesque little park with others Miis playing, running, and sightseeing. It was kinda neat, really, but I'm sure the novelty will probably wear off sooner rather than later. Thankfully (and it tell you to do so, if you want to) you can change the channel and watch something else. I'm not sure exactly how accurate it is in the calories burned area - I know it certainly isn't very accurate in terms of distance ran. Your Wiimote acts as somewhat of a pedometer - putting it in your pocket or holding it in your hand while running at the same rate registers two different speeds. While it may not be the most accurate, it's more fun than I anticipated, and its hard to necessarily argue the accuracy of the machines you find a gym just as well.

1 comment:

wandarini said...

Stick with your plan. Don't give up. Keep getting in some exercise wherever you can. I am not seeing the V8 on your printout. Make sure you get that and some orange juice if you are not eating veggies and fruit. It is not quite the same but better than nothing.

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