Thursday, January 7, 2010

Prelims, Round 2

Weight - 262.2
Body Fat % - 26.3
Yesterday's Calorie Count - 2,271 Calories Consumed/2,176 limit - 95 calorie overload
Today's Power Workout Songs:

So I had a little bit of a caloric overload last night as a trip to Olive Garden was in the cards... I know that I could have certainly halved the food and taken the rest home, but food never tastes quite as good the second time around ;) Still, I didn't go over too far, so I'm not that worried about it.

I know I promised that you guys would have sexy pictures to peruse, but unfortunately my old phone/camera and computer decided that they're no longer going to cooperate with one another. I've been meaning to buy a true, dedicated camera lately, so I guess now I have an excuse. Sorry to disappoint, though!

This morning, I did another stint of running/walking, and managed to knock off 220 calories in 20 minutes - not bad, I'd say. That's 2/3 of my daily breakfast, its definitely going to help.

Those videos you see at the top will be a new feature. That section will feature tunes that really pumped me through my daily workout - maybe you'll find some new stuff you like there (although today's selections are fairly mainstream). It won't be there everyday, though - I'm an NPR addict who loves his podcasts :)

Until tomorrow,


Brandon said...

Did you look up the nutrition facts from Olive Garden's website?

You'd be surprised how many calories can be in some of these restaurant meals... sometimes up to a 1000 calories depending on what you get.

Keep it up RORO!


PS: Let me know when you get sick of my comments! haha... oh by the way... I'll race you to 200lbs! ;)

Collin said...
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Collin said...

Hey, if you managed to finish your plate at Olive Garden and still remain very close to your target calorie intake at the end of the day, then I would say you're doing alright! Keep going man!

PS. VERY disappointed at the lack of sexy manbeast pictures. ;)


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