Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Insert Snappy Title Here

Today's Weight - 258.2 lbs
Today's Body Fat - 26.3%
Workout Sounds of the Day - These guys, Tom and Ray

Yesterday was the first day back at the actual gym (Planet Fitness, for those who are wondering)... it was quite a bit of fun to get back in there again, although it was more crowded than I remember it being back in the summer when I was going regularly. Still, I was able to find an open elliptical machine, and pounded out 20 minutes while I was listening to Car Talk (those guys you see above). I wish they made a daily show - they're great at making time pass by. After the elliptical, I popped into some weight training, and really realized how much I really do miss weight training. I'm making it a plan to go to the actual gym twice a week, but perhaps I'll shoot for more if my schedule allows for it.

The first couple of days worth of tracking this week will be missing, as they're incomplete - a combination of getting tired of doing it, and being a situation where I could not find the meals that I'd eaten. But I'm back on track with it now!


Brandon said...

Good job Robino! Tip for the day.... weight train first... then do cardio stuff. Once you start getting leaner consider doing some sprinting on a track (although you have to do adequate warm-ups for this.) Let me know before you do it and I'll send you an article. Sprinting really speeds up the metabolism and burn off the fat... way better than normal cardio. I also know of a weight training method that is used to strip the fat off... it's called "Complexes." Keep rockin it!

Brandon said...

On second thought... hill sprints may be safer and not require such a lengthy warm-up. Consider these when it gets warmer.

Anonymous said...

Hey Robintussin,
I don't have any tips for you b/c I'm in need of a "lifestyle change" myself :) I do enjoy your blog, though, and it's inspired me a bit (little as it may) to try this calorie tracking thing. It's the working out part that is probably my biggest crutch b/c I'm so damn lazy! The formula, like you said, is simple: eat less, work out more = lose weight...Good luck to you...I'll be monitoring your progress :)
Love, Kristin

Collin said...

I second your request for a daily Car Talk show!!!

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